Our History

Scientific research practices at the Centro Universitário de Minas Gerais began in 2002 when the Coordination of Scientific Initiation was created, implementing policies aimed at promoting research in the region.

In 2006, the institution signed an agreement with the Foundation for Research Support in Minas Gerais – FAPEMIG, which funded 8 scholarships for Scientific Initiation through the Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program – PIBIC. In 2007, this number increased to 17 scholarships.

In the following years, research continued to advance with participation in the BIC Junior Scholarship Program, offering 10 scholarships to students from public schools in Middle and High School education.

Being selected as a qualified unit for the execution of R&D activities by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the institution developed partnerships with several private companies in the region.

The scope of scientific initiation programs expanded, currently offering 25 scholarships for academic students, 20 BIC Junior scholarships for students in Elementary and High School education, and around 10 scholarships from FEPESMIG.

In 2014, a network of research agreements was established with other foreign universities, the ACINNET Network. It is composed of universities from 9 countries. In 2015, Unis hosted the I International Conference, where over 100 scientific research projects were presented.

Also in 2015, the Interacao Journal was recommended by CAPES with a B5 stratification in 4 areas of knowledge. In June of that year, a research agreement was finalized with the University of Taubaté (Unitau) and several companies in the southern region of Minas Gerais.

In 2016, the II International Conference (www.ci.unis.edu.br) was promoted, marking the first half of the year and becoming an institutional tradition on the academic and regional calendar. The department won 5 innovation awards between 2016 and 2019.

For the past 4 years, the department has achieved over 800 publications per year (including journals, events, books, and book chapters).

In 2019, with the approval and recommendation of the first Academic Master’s in Management and Regional Development by CAPES, the CEPI was reorganized into the Directorate of Innovation and the Research Department. At the same time, FAPEMIG approved the granting of two scholarships for the Master’s program through PAPG.

Grupo Unis


"Formar pessoas socialmente responsáveis, nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento das regiões em que atua".


"Até 2023, ser um grupo educacional empreendedor que, mediante práticas inovadoras e tecnológicas capazes de assegurar educação de qualidade, se destaca por oportunizar experiências internacionais à sua gente, visando prepará-la para uma nova economia."

Valores Institucionais

I. Prestabilidade - habilidade de entender os problemas e dificuldades dos outros e responder de forma positiva.
II. Excelência - capacidade de atingir a eficácia (resultados) através da melhor eficiência (processo) gerando a qualidade expectada.
III. Inovação - capacidade de implementar novas soluções que melhorem a excelência institucional.


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